
As a photographer I often find my most popular photographs are the ones which show a relationship, a connection between two or more people. 
Maybe a newborn baby being tenderly held by their elder sibling. Maybe a teenage girl and her Mother in a rare moment of peace. Maybe a boy with his dad, reading a book before bed. Maybe two friends who have been through thick and thin with each other, or maybe grandma baking with her grandchild.
As a Mum, I feel the same way when I see photographs of my two girls together. Life in a young family can be hectic and noisy, lots of rushing around getting to nursery, occasional tantrums, arguing between the girls.

So when the girls interact with each other in a peaceful, loving way, that is something I want to record. For us, this time is most likely first thing in the morning or just before bed time (yep, both times when they only have limited time due to their routine). 

Think about the relationships you would most like to have a photo of and make sure you put some time to capture it. If you are meeting your friends of 20 years for lunch on Saturday, give a camera to the waiter and get him to take a pic (or just do a selfie), or have your camera ready for when the kids are having a loving moment. I shall have my camera ready for the early morning hugs.

If you get that photo, please do tell me about it by uploading to instagram with the hashtag #ConnectInPhotos

One of my favourite #ConnectInPhotos is this one, of my two children and their two similarly aged friends. One of the first moments that show what they have is in awareness and appreciation of each other as friends and not just tolerating each other. Who knows where they will all be in 20 years but it will be nice to reflect on their childhood friendships through photographs like these.

Four children play together on grass