Considering a Newborn Shoot | London Family Photographer

Last Monday, whilst the snow fell outside. I was happily in a warm, cosy house taking newborn photographs.

Often we think having at home photographs is the privilege of the rich and famous for magazines, but in truth, anyone can get their portraits done at home, and it actually provides a great background - and it's familiarity can help the more nervous of models feel more relaxed.

Home based lifestyle portraits bring great context to your photographs and offer a wonderful glimpse into your life, reminding you and your grown children of the happy memories of their childhood.

Have you ever considered having an at home photoshoot? If anything like me, you are probably concerned about the mess and the background. However I'd say as a photographer that is possible to take beautiful family portraits in most home environments.

Light is obviously good to have in photographs, but as a location photographer I am used to working in a variety of different environments, no two homes are ever exactly the same. I especially love shooting in homes when photographing newborns, I believe new Mums should be relaxing and recovering from childbirth whilst getting to know their new child. I want to be supporting them to do that in anyway possible.

Expecting a baby?

Find out about Maternity and Newborn Photoshoots
With Hampshire Photographer, Evie Winter

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